**** There is no real end... unfortunately my project files become corrupted and I wasn't able to implement the timer and leader board. Just get to the island with the portal, that's the end ****

Also the downloadable version looks better

Welcome and thank you for trying my 9th game, in my just over a year long game dev journey. Unfortunately I'm really disappointed with my entry, I just had endless problems using the Unity 3D kit and took ages to figure out how to get things to work, let along the number of bugs and errors I had to endlessly figure out and fix. I just find the Unity kits to be so unstable and I just don't have the skills to fix them.

In any-case what felt like a fairly simple premise to make took a lot longer to implement, and then at the 11th hour, as I was implementing the leader board my PC blue screened, thankfully I had saved recently but as I loaded the game back up something went wrong with the prefabs and tons of islands and assets had reset or just disappeared and I had no idea whats went wrong or how to fix it.

In any case I still wanted to submit, so I entered a earlier unfinished version which feels bad... I guess buggy unfinished GMTK entries is my lot (last years entry was also buggy and didn't work) oh well, there is next year.

My goal for this game was to try make a more story focused entry, so wanted to make lots of cuts scenes and less mechanics driven game, all the issues left me with not a lot of time for that and making cut scenes was a lot harder than I had expected... in any case I got one down and while its not great... I'm still pretty happy with it.

My next project is definitely learning how to use a git and learning to make my own character controller. To next time and good luck with your jam :)


Zepher Jump.zip 136 MB


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actually very nice, did you code the thing from the scratch ? 

Thanks for the feedback, no, I did not code it from scratch I used the Unity 3D kit (https://learn.unity.com/project/3d-game-kit-lite) as a base.


Lovely artstyle, i'd like some more control while in the air but interesting concept.


Nice try still, i wish you did not have that crash, i would have loved to see more cutscenes indeed. Better luck next time ! Kepp on !(and yes, git is actually easy to implement and use, i can save your life)